How Prevent Burglary –Tips and Info

How Prevent Burglary –Tips and Info

The american dream is to have a house and feel like the king of the castle. But often times, Kings have to deal with burglars too.

We don’t live in the age where we can call our cavalierly and mounted knights to defend our castle. But here are some tips to make sure you are safe:

  1. Exterior Lighting

    • Make sure your exterior of your home has some sort of exterior lighting. Burglars will think twice to enter your home if you eliminate any dark areas.
      • One sign of residents not being home is off interior lights. If you decide to take your lady out for the night and house is empty put a lamp on a timer and give appearance that your home. Remember you want to deter the would be burglars away from your house by giving the appearance that your home! 
  2. Lock Your Doors

    • This is simple, just lock your doors! One would be surprised that often times burglars just walk in from the front door, but more often from backyard. So remember when you go to back yard just lock the door behind you, yes even when your home during the day!
    • Be a peeping tom, by installing a peep hole in your front door. Train your loved ones to not to open doors for strangers by using the peeping hole.
    • If some stranger rings the door and identify him self a utility company technician, but there is a part of you that says, “I am not expecting anyone at this time”, simply don’t open the door, and ask for ID. If one can not provided you ID, Don’t Open the Door!
  3. Secure Your Windows

    • Close your windows when your not home. If you establish a pattern of leaving windows open and visible from the street, burglars will target you for easy entry. But if its just too hot, and you want to crack open the window, use a window block so the window can not be fully open.
  4. Use an Alarm System

    • An alarm is only effective if it is maintained and activated. Call your local provider for a complete demo and or training necessary to operate one. Ask for your alarm company for window stickers and yard signs to deter burglars away.
  5. Get a Safe

    • The best Safe is a safe that is heavy enough that you can’t pick it up by self from big value store ( you know which store we are thinking of). Get a safe that can be bolt in the ground. Get a safe that is hard to pick. Now that we have YouTube, research and review safes and that is within your budget. If safes are not an option for you, invest in a safety deposit box from your local bank, typically they range from $30 to $150 a year. A small price to pay to protect your assets. Remember if burglars do get an entry, make it as hard as you can for them to get your valuables.  
  6. Develop a Good Relationship With Your Neighbors

    • Develop a neighborhood watch, ask neighbors to look out for suspicious activities. Trade each others contact info, and develop on increasing trust between each other. 

The MOST important thing YOU can do is CALL THE POLICE to report a CRIME or any SUSPICIOUS activity. You have to be the eyes of your neighborhood. And remember you can always remain a pair of anonymous eyes!

Disclaimer: First Shield and Security & patrol is not responsible for this article, it is simply for informational use only

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